Destinations | Africa

Imagine casting your lure or fly close to the feet of elephants on the mighty Zambezi River and seconds later getting smashed by one of the most aggressive strikes you’ve ever felt. That’s what chasing tigerfish in Zambia is all about. They are not easy to keep hooked as their mouths are all teeth and bone making the challenge even greater. They’ll tear line off you reel at alarming speed, jump metres in the air and punch holes in lures. Targeting tigerfish isn’t for the faint hearted!


This is as visual as fishing gets. There’s hippos, elephants, crocodiles, buffalo and amazing bird life nearly everywhere you look. When you’re not on the water there are amazing land-based safaris to enjoy. Watch prides of lions stalking their prey, leopards surveying the landscape from their vantage point in trees, hundreds of impala always on the lookout for danger, baboons and monkeys communicating with each other, elephants stripping leaves from trees with their trunks and so much more. The lodges are extremely comfortable with fantastic staff who ensure your get everything from the trip you set out to achieve.

Chiawa Lodge, Zambia

Chiawa, possibly Zambia's most exceptional game viewing lodge and proudly ranked among the top 10 in the entirety of Africa, is a true marvel that offers a rare fusion of incredible fly and lure fishing.

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Fishabout is a dedicated Fisherman’s guide service and travel agent with a simple philosophy; ‘Best Guides, Best Locations, Best Seasons’. Search our adventures by destination, and enquire or book with us by filling out our booking/enquiry form below.

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